Definition of dream office according to PROCE survey

28/09/2022 - 06:25

What will the employee’s dream office look like? From the technological revolution and the explosion of 4.0, as well as the Covid 19 pandemic. The role of the office has changed radically, the definition of perfection has changed. And the need or, in other words, the dream of the worker’s room changes radically. With the mission of bringing a desirable working space for Vietnamese people. More than anyone else, PROCE needs to know the needs and desires of employees about the office. That’s why a big survey was conducted. We finally got the full portrait of the definition of dream office. PROCE will turn this on now.

Dream office is a place to ensure human health

In our survey, 2/3 of all scraps put health first. Among them: air quality, light quality and interior quality are the top 3 factors. Having to go through the horrors of the pandemic makes people care a lot about health. This is also an affirmation of the position of businesses that know how to take care of human health. Personnel at companies right from office design who have focused on health have the following indicators:

–          16% higher productivity

–          19% higher engagement rate with the company

–          Talent attraction is 30% higher

(The indicators are compared with the same type and size of the enterprise)

Dream office air quality assurance

Quality not when in the office is extremely important. HR expects the air quality in the office to reach the standards of the green office. Ensure freshness and natural clean air flows in the space.

Green office air standards see details here!

Natural light standards

Besides air quality is the standard for natural light. Ensure that natural light can account for 60%-70% of lighting needs in the office. This is the desire of 3/4 of those surveyed. Natural light brings many health values to working people. Moreover, it both brings energy savings, especially mood relaxation.

Use of health-protective furniture products

Another factor is the use of ergonomic furniture products. Because dental diseases of bones and joints are haunting working people. Complete ergonomic products provide perfect health protection. In addition, the application of anti-agitation materials also partly helps working people safer.

Dream office is a place for mental comfort

Pressure from work is inevitable in every profession, but its consequences are really scary. It doesn’t just erode workers mentally and physically. Directly dragging down labor productivity and sometimes causing layoffs. A workspace that can help relieve stress with many factors is desirable. In fact, for many years, PROCE’s designs have always been aimed at this.

The fact that spaces such as pantry, games, tea braecks are built and focused. Combined with the decoration using color in the design helps to bring a sense of comfort. The application of green color to the workspace is also a way to relieve stress.

The mental element of workers is taken care of even in regional designs. Designing open areas for personnel to exchange with each other, sharing is essential. Besides creating versatile areas with colors stimulates creativity. Something that is lacking and desperately needed in the office. And it is also a way for businesses to take care of mental health that employees want.

pantry cho văn phòng

Personalization in the workspace

One of the factors that accounted for 38% of the vote was individuality in the workspace. Everyone wants a necessary privacy with their elemented items and interiors. Therefore, creating more opportunities for personnel to set up the space and interior by themselves. Or there may be a completely private space for them to arrange and work at will. That is the desire of human resources, especially for Gen Z who work for passion.

The above are the factors that a dream office needs according to the PROCE survey. What other factors or changes will change workers’ desires? Let’s find out about it through the following articles.

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