The story begins with the failure of a newly graduated student to participate in job interviews at a prestigious multinational corporation. From the feeling of being surprised, overwhelmed when walking into a classy, comfortable but extremely cozy office space with dynamic and friendly people, to the feeling of regret and regret when being rejected, all has brought him unforgettable experiences.
As time went on, the student that year was much more mature. But the desire to work in that high-class office space, his feelings of remorse, and the moment of suspense waiting for them to interview are still on him. After that, he always pondered and pondered, is his desire to work at the corporation because of their prestige, the people there or the impressive and professional working space? Whatever it is, his passion for creating such an office space urged him to start a different career and PROCE was conceived from here .......
The important resource that decides the success or failure of a business is its people. At Proce, we are proud of having a professional staff not only good at professionalism but also dedicated to the profession, wholeheartedly for customers ...
PASSION: We do everything with passion, even it’s to provide a single piece of product or total solutions, even for small companies or big corporates.
HONESTY: We treat members, partners and customers with integrity and respect. We are honest and upfront with people and doing what we say we will do.
GENEROSITY: We are always generous with our partners and customers, for every cooperation filled with satisfactory and smile.
PROFESSIONAL: We are proud to have a professional team of experts in office designs, consultants and workers who are responsive, responsible, caring and punctilious: to ensure that our customers are provided with excellent experience.
TRUST: Our priority is to be trustworthy. We earn our customers’ trust throught consistent, anttentive consideration and delivery of effective solutions
To be the leader in Vietnam for providing world-class office furniture solutions
To create ideal working environment: Create a dynamic, professional, humane and friendly working environment. Building an enterprise with a working environment that attracts long-term attachment - the most rewarding working environment in Vietnam.
To work for international quality products: A conscientious organization with excellent products that bring pride to all employees as well as customers and partners of the company.
To deliver high-class customer service: We provide total solutions, quality products and dedicated customer service, which always put customers’ benefits as top priority.