Office furniture high-class imported for office workers

27/10/2023 - 02:54

Office furniture high-class imported brought to Vietnam since 2010 by PROCE. They are of excellent quality with a wide variety of designs. Possessing beautiful looks with excellent functionality, they are slowly becoming the standard for offices. Among those great products, the Menten desk system deserves two great words. This super product brings an ergonomic and elegant workspace with great support. Above all, this desk system is also a tool to convey the mind of the business. Discover together with PROCE the wonderful things inside the desktops that are bringing this new trend.

nội thất văn phòng nhập khẩu menten

Office furniture Menten is a desk system for employees

Typically, a desk system that is focused primarily on belongs to the leadership team. Because in an enterprise, leaders are always favored to use the best. But in the Menten desk system everything is turned around. This desk system is especially interested and is almost sold out on the market. But it is the product line serving the employees in the company. And the quality as well as the benefits it brings are at the top.

Not serving the leader but helping with the company’s precious resources. Menten becomes the standard desk model in the modern office. With its perfect texture and beautiful appearance. Menten always brings a great experience throughout the working process. And like many other imported high-end products, this desk system is designed based on functionality.

In other words, for Menten being beautiful is not enough, it must be perfect. Both has a beautiful appearance and possesses great functions and other facilities. This product line becomes the trend of new offices. A paradise place for deskers to work and shine.

nội thất văn phòng nhập khẩu menten

Office furniture Menten imported possesses minimalistic design

Along with the development of society, the definition of beauty also has different steps from the past. Now, beauty can come from many aspects, but in design there is a special beauty. The beauty of minimalism. Retired only thin, thin, simple brushstrokes, not fussy or complicated. That style is a new ink in the artwork and it has a minimalistic name. It is the minimalism that brings a special beauty to the products serving the workspace.

Minimalism, not simple. Menten has a minimalist design style but is made up of sophistication. This table system is drawn by lines, arranged by square cubes. Creating a solid overall composition, at first glance very simple. But that is only the appearance because when looking closely at each part. Only then can see how sophisticated and meticulous everything is so that everything becomes so flawless.

Menten is a unique combination between minimal aesthetic design with maximum use of space. Not all companies can own a large space to work. And even when there is a large space, making the most of the space is also essential. By making the most of the workspace, Menten creates an efficient working environment. Make the business operating costs economical while still creating comfort. Menten offers many more benefits that a desktop system can bring. And it fits any workspace no matter how big or small.

Bring perfect functionality for everyday work

With Menten, being beautiful is not enough, suitable for all spaces is not its mission. Only when those things come with practical use and utility is the purpose of it born. To do that, it comes with its minimal design style. The artist who created Menten had to work hard to bring the perfect structure.

First, the standard height and dimensions of this desk system are studied for sitting. Or more specifically, it comes from research on the body’s activity during work. In order for each movement, each sitting position is comfortable. The manipulation of the hands to the entire arm is always in a comfortable state.

Besides, with the study of both the sensitivity when contact between the skin of hands and the table surface. Gives the Menten countertops a great material. All are made of 18mm thick melamine chipboard, drawers are made from 12mm thick melamine board. Along with that, the quality of imported products is always confirmed. Not only the table top but all the details that make up this super product are also classy.

Small details make this great desktop utility

Having a detail that makes a difference is also a great utility that Menten owns. For an office worker, storing personal documents becomes essential. Understand that, a small-scale storage cabinet and stacked shelves. Serve as a space divider and create the perfect work desk.

Learn more about other desktops here!

PROCE – Luxury office furniture

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