Imported office furniture is favored by large enterprises

13/10/2020 - 08:29

Imported office furniture is gradually asserting its position. Including products that are being sought by multinational corporations. With PROCE, point out the products that are storming the high-end market. And find out why they are so “hot”?

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Imported office furniture for employees

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First and foremost are the products that large businesses offer their employees. As a form of compensation, multinationals offer the best workspace. Because according to their explanations, it is a valuable resource of the business. Provide them with the better working environment, the more profitable the business.

TIO office chair – the legendary chair for office people: This is the most famous office chair in the high-end segment. Its quality and appearance are the pride of the manufacturer. With a design “very German” – strong and strong. This chair also naturally becomes a new trend for office products.

See more details on this product here!

Dallas office chair: Bring a completely different design to the TIO. Dallas high-end office chairs have a soft appearance. It is that appearance that captivated the eyes from the first time. With quality at its level. It is not difficult to understand when it is competing with TIO in the “charismatic” race of big enterprises.

See more of this product here!

High-class office tables: If you have chairs, you must have a table, for office systems like X-TEN, SOLO or BALETE TABLE. Being the top choice of multinational corporations. Not only bring comfort to support workflow. These desks also provide an extremely classy workspace

Imported office furniture for leaders

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Don’t just focus on your precious resources. Big businesses, multinational corporations pay more attention to their leadership class. The best products, of course, favor this “least but best” ingredient.

Zueco chairs such as ZUECO CUBOFLEX SEATS, ZUECO LACINTA CHAIR, ZUECO SIGNO CHAIR. Or PRO – MAX, PRO – ROY … hungry hunting never stops. These products are completely different from the same product. Not superficial, their appearances are elegant and delicate. The quality of the constituent materials results in an overall product that brings together the two words Best – Best.

In addition, the executive desks are imported by PROCE such as: LEGATO TABLE, ELITE TRANKS, SOLO TABLE, etc. Not only is it satisfied that the leaders of the business are almost addicted to them. It’s very difficult working on another desktop system after having experienced something great.

What is the reason why imported furniture is only favored by large enterprises?

PROCE has an article explaining why imported furniture is not popular in Vietnam. From that article can partly explain the above question

First, it is the relatively high cost of imported products. Need to spend a sizable initial fixed cost. That makes it difficult for small businesses with thin capital to own it even if they want to.

Another reason is that imported luxury products are only favored by large enterprises. Go ahead, realize the value of your product and make use of it. It is a thing of a long-term strategy and vision. Usually only businesses, corporations own those things.

PROCE specializes in providing luxury office furniture

Established with the mission of providing Vietnamese people with classy office space. With imported furniture products with sufficient quality. Along with industry-leading designs. PROCE has brought great offices, becoming the pride of Vietnamese businesses.


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