Corporate culture “key” to office interior design

14/01/2022 - 06:06

Corporate culture is no stranger to any desk. It is considered the core of a business, a guideline for all day-to-day activities. It is also a measure to recognize the stature and sustainability in history. And it is also key for architects in the process of designing offices. To truly create a quality parallel workspace, PROCE always learns very carefully about it. That is also the reason why PROCE shares the same perspective with investors to conquer themselves.

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What is corporate culture? What does it affect the business?

What is corporate culture?

It is the values, habits in the thinking and actions of everyone in the business. It’s all about everybody in the organization. It is also the spiritual and material life that businesses are creating every day. In general, corporate culture is the common value that businesses build towards. It’s often built from the founder of the business and molded by the common hands of everyone.

Corporate culture can be easily noticed by two elements that are tangible and invisible. These are components such as vision, mission, business philosophy and core values. It is most clearly shown as follows:

Tangible elements: Brand identity (uniform, sale kit, etc.) take etiquette, regulations, etc.

Invisible factors: Work style, habits, attitudes, internal engagement, etc.

What does corporate culture affect the business?

Any business from the very beginning will build its own culture. Because just like people have to have direction and goals to know how to walk. Businesses also have to have a common culture to be able to stay on the next path.

In a place that brings together many different personalities, living errors are different like businesses. Without a common culture, everyone can run. It can be mentioned that there are a series of benefits that corporate culture brings such as:

–          Spirit and motivation to work

–          Internal conflict regulation

–          Coordination of personal behavior reconciliation

–          Increase competitive advantage

–          Attract talented personnel and retain talent

–          Improved performance

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Corporate culture is key to office design.

For PROCE – The overall solution for luxury office furniture. Each workspace is a place for the brand story of the business to be portrayed. It’s a place to mark the growth of your business. It is a place for everyone in the organization to be more engaged and understand more about the company they are contributing to. Or rather, when office design needs to do these things. And all of those elements are encapsulated in the four words “corporate culture.”

There are many beautiful office styles but not all styles are suitable. The study of the investor’s corporate culture in detail. The designer will partly grasp the so-called fit. And only when you understand that element will the ideas be truly practical and get right into beauty.

The proof is that a business in terms of commerce will be different from a technology business. Different cultural orientation will be different in the story in the workspace. Also different in color, different in style and different in aesthetics. The key to unlocking ideas for office design is nothing more than the culture of the business.

See more of the 2022 office design styles here!

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How to approach the corporate culture when designing an office properly?

Office design needs to understand corporate culture. How to understand a company’s corporate culture? Usually an hr wants to understand the culture of the business needs at least 3 months. This is also the usual probation period for a new employee. But when it comes to designing an office, it doesn’t take that long. To understand the fastest and most accurate corporate culture, a reasonable approach is needed.

The way that PROCE is doing and seeing the effect to share with everyone is as follows:

–          Study the vision, mission and values that the business is demonstrating.

–          Listen to the leader’s story.

–          Brand identity research

–          Status survey

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