Considerations when looking to rent a high-end office in Vietnam

22/04/2022 - 08:40

How to find a high-end office in Vietnam? How to find a workspace with a beautiful location, good infrastructure? Moreover, an office location is suitable for the needs of the business. The office is not only a place for business personnel to work but also a place to trade and show stature. To find an ideal space, do not forget the following notes.

Find high-end office rentals to pay attention to the budget

One of the first notes is the budget that businesses can spend to rent the premises. Be clear about how much money the business has as well as the intended time to use it. From there, we can orient ourselves to find a high-end office rental. Or will find an office in the form of real estate in a reasonable location.

The cost of renting an office is a fixed cost that the business will have to spend monthly. And the length of office leasing will also be related to the cost of renting. It is also important to determine how long the business will be using the area.

Note the location of the high-end office

Depending on the operation of the business, choose the location of the room to be reasonable. The location of the office will be related to communication activities, day-to-day business activities. Pay attention to the location of the office when starting to find a workspace rental.

Each business sector will need offices in different locations such as:

Enterprises operating in direct trade and business. The office needs to be located in the center where there is busy business activities. For businesses that do not focus on direct trade at the office, it is recommended to choose a quiet place. But all of them need to be favorable in transportation.

The location of the office is also related to corporate communication activities. If your business is in need of brand enhancement, it should be located in the heart of the city. But where you are located here, the rent will be very high. And your business already has a brand and a strong foothold, just a spacious machete is enough.

nội thất văn phòng cao cấp

Pay attention to the size of the business and the area of the office

The number of employees and the company’s development strategy will affect the office area. The average area required for the actual workspace is 4m2 per person. If the business is looking to expand its business, increase personnel. Then it is necessary to find a large area of land and can be expanded, the better.

When renting an office in addition to the cost of paying for the area of the workspace owned. Then the business must pay the whole area of common use such as corridors, toilets. This cost can account for up to 20% of the total cost of renting the premises. Therefore, consider and carefully calculate the area of the office that the business intends to rent.

Looking for a high-end furniture company

Look for yourself a high-end office interior design unit. The unit is capable of advising businesses on taking advantage of the area as well as interior layout. It can help businesses use less area, minimizing more costs. Also with experience specializing in providing the overall solution for luxury offices such as PROCE. Businesses are also given specific advice as well as minimize unnecessary risks.

pantry văn phòng cao cấp

Management infrastructure and services

Learn carefully about issues related to infrastructure as well as services when renting an office. In it it should be noted:

–          Parking: Parking costs, parking area and security. This is an important issue because it involves the convenience of personnel. There are some high-end buildings that have free parking areas but it’s usually limited. Find out how many cars you can get and if you exceed the number.

–          Transfer fee: One of the costs that affects the decision on whether to rent or not. This fee will include: the cost of security, maintenance, reception, electricity and sanitation in the common area.

–          Regulations on repair of office furniture. When starting to use, every business must refresh the office. Therefore, be aware of the rules on this issue in the management where you plan to rent.

Nature of the work of the business

In other words, the working time of the employees in your business. Every business will have a different working time. Different work properties will also affect overtime or working during office hours. Learn about travel regulations during out-of-office hours. And make sure that your staff can be comfortable during overtime or late work.

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