High-class office furniture and office design trends 2021 (Pass 2)

19/03/2021 - 06:45

High-class office furniture is still the subject in creating an impressive workspace. Office design trend 2021 focuses on solving many business problems. Which solves communication problems, human image, individuality and so on. And the factor that is most concerned by Vietnamese businesses is the human factor as well as the brand. In part 1, PROCE has shared with you experiences in choosing colors and materials. For the perfect office space, light is the key factor. Join us to explore that factor in part 2 shortly.

nội thất văn phòng cao cấp mang đến công năng hoàn hảo

High-class office furniture and a balance of light in the workspace

Light is considered the origin of life. In the workspace, not only plays the role of lighting to clearly see things. Light is also used to enhance the beauty of the workspace. And office furniture products are only really splendid, showing off the full beauty when there is light. Especially with valuable items such as classy furniture, the more light can not pass through the speaker.

Light is considered methodically more than just dealing with lighting. Or even choose the light from a tube, neon or any shade to light. New standards and regulations have been applied more flexibly with specific purposes. That is to create a space that has a mark, leads to emotional change through vision. More importantly, the parameters related to intensity, color, illumination angle…. Strictly controlled and used according to each different space in the most suitable way.

In the office design trends of 2021, there’s still a big shift in the balance and lighting issues. Following the monochromatic and dichromatic trends, the light also reduces quantity. Aim for designs with limited details while getting natural light to balance the proportions of the two. This causes the user, instead of seeing the light source, to perceive the light. It is suitable for lobby space or corporate meeting room.

nội thất văn phòng cao cấp và xu hướng thiết kế 2021

High-class office furniture and light source hiding method

As mentioned above, the balance of natural and artificial light is in perfect proportion. Brings a sense of light to the user instead of seeing it directly. This experience satisfies not only the user’s vision but also the emotions of the user. But how can that balance be achieved?

The answer to this comes from the angle, intensity and position arrangement of each type of lamp. Specific examples for hiding direct light sources are as follows:

Lighting equipment is installed in the wall, installed in the ceiling space. Reveal only the outer ring and the optical glass on the surface.

Positioning lights are also mounted on walls, ceilings, or floors. These lamps work to create dim lights in the room. Frequently used in meeting rooms when no light is needed.

Multi-level lighting – Integrate lighting fixtures into the wall. This is also the type of lighting used in meeting rooms. The places where presentations take place require stress-free soft lighting.

The design brings simple details to the throne

If the trend of 2020 is the return of smooth curves – Round shape. Curved shape is used and exploited thoroughly in most interior design including offices. However, the trend is always changing over time, especially when the society is constantly changing. The curved pattern will be replaced in the 2021 trend.

2021 will welcome the rise of simple and coherent designs. This year’s design language will focus on exploring human interaction with the environment. Exploit the effects of the workspace on personnel and vice versa. Since then, the Round shape will be somewhat reduced. And the details of the interior design of the office will also be imported from other industries.

Like technology, products are increasingly being optimized for human use. The interior will also be minimized with decorative details to maximize the function. And use the details that serve that function to stylize and turn it into decoration. Those things have been and are the strength of high-end office furniture.

Personalization is preferred over design

Personalization here is the embrace of both the people and the brand identity of each company. It will no longer be the stereotypical, massively popular designs or scrapped from big brands. Each company will work towards its own workspace designs. Inside that space, there will be even more private spaces for individuals. It can also be said that the 2021 office design trend towards personalization within common spaces.

PROCE – Luxury office furniture.

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