High-class office furniture in the small work corner of the employee.

18/12/2020 - 03:51

High-class office furniture is becoming popular in a high-class workspace. It is a valuable asset both physically and mentally of the business. Direct practical benefits to employees and the company. Previously, these classy items were usually only equipped in the leadership space. Now, with big companies they have equipped these quality products to their employees. In the small work corner of employees at enterprises, multinational corporations always have them. And they become the motivation for that employee to devote more to the business.

nội thất văn phòng cao cấp trong không gian làm việc

High-class office furniture will be in the employee’s work corner

Large enterprises, multinational corporations with strong financial potential. They choose for themselves large premises for office space. Therefore, their workspace always has a certain superficiality. Employees in the business will be divided into small spaces for working. In that space, they freely decorate and arrange their tools as well as decorate more. It is a private space where they spend most of their day living.

Businesses often equip their employees with full working tools. And one of them is indispensable for the things that make up the working angle. High-class office chairs and tables. These are also high-end products that are permanently equipped with a small personal drawer.

These equipment are fixed assets of the business, they are used to serve employees. Also the benefits that employees in the company receive while working here. It is called welfare because not all businesses can afford these items. They have a high investment cost, high quality and use them only one word “already” uttered.

nội thất văn phòng cao cấp trong không gian làm việc của nhân viên

High-class office furniture Which firm’sis often used in Vietnam

This class of high-class products is distributed a lot in countries around the world. There are many manufacturers but the world leader today can be mentioned such as: Dauphin, winhaw, … In which, Dauphin’s product line is most popular in Vietnam. Because of their perfect function and various beautiful designs.

In Vietnam, in 2010 there was a pioneering brand to bring this product to the country. It’s PROCE – luxury office furniture. Originated from a personal story of the company founder. The desire to bring classy products to the workspace in Vietnam was conceived. Since then, PROCE has been a leader in providing classy products for the workspace. PROCE products are imported from the world’s number one brands. Ensure transparency in origin, perfect in quality and create a new trend of office furniture.

The inherent functions of these luxury products

There’s a lot to say about the excellence of this workspace’s classy products. They have perfect use by their special structure. Give the employees of the company that owns them an unforgettable experience.

First to mention is the familiar chair. Different from products of the same class of class brings a different experience. If you ever fell down from sitting on this familiar chair. You will see the absolute balance of this product line. In addition, the innate nature of this product line is to serve human activities. Therefore, the common feeling of pain or osteoarthritis will not exist here.

Second, it is the working desk. The place you use every day to lay hands and work activities. A membrane surface like a baby’s skin, friendly to the hand skin so that the contact parts are not uncomfortable. The height can be changed so that the elbows are fully relaxed during typing. Along with that, the table surface size is calculated appropriately to bring a fit for many items.

And add a personal cupboard that holds your secret treasures. This compact cabinet is the place to hide the quintessence of the owner’s personality. It will be a magical drawer for those who possess a variety of small items. Is the food warehouse of office junkies. And everyone uses them to rest their feet in good naps.

Special uses of these products in owned businesses.

Their common use is one of the factors for businesses to invest in initially. However, if only that, then it does not assert too much of its value. As affordable as conventional products are doing the same thing. The most important thing to make this class product truly classy. That is their special function.

And their most special function is to create a source of positive energy at work. From great experience during use. The company’s employees become more interested in their work, and the positive energy unfolds. Besides, the distinctive color has been studied through ergonomics. Again to help employees’ creativity surges.

High-class products with high value are considered competitive advantage in the HR race. On top of that, many products extend beyond the office space. Bring businesses a class working environment.

Read more about product lines that extend beyond the office space here!

PROCE – Luxury office furniture.

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