High-end office furniture Steelcase Flex Active Frames solution for privacy

17/03/2022 - 10:07

High-class office furniture Steelcase  has always been a sought-after name in the office furniture industry. The products that Steelcase brings are not only beautiful, handy but also art. It’s the solution to a bottleneck that’s hampering the office furniture industry. And most recently, Flex Active Frames was born in place of Steecase’s answer to a problem. The question is how to have privacy in a common space like the office. Join PROCE to learn about this product line to better understand the value it brings.

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High-class Office Furniture Flex Active Frames  Solutions for Modern Office

In the new workspace, a lot of space will coexist there. How can we separate these spaces to provide the necessary privacy? Many solutions have been introduced, including changing the design style. Or the construction of medium-range drywall. But the use of such walls is often fixed and causes the space to be bundled. The style of reopening has many limitations that make it impossible to do privacy.

Steecase solves this problem with Flex Active Frames. The essence of this line of office furniture is a portable wall. But the wall created from Flex Active Frames does not create a sense of mystery, separation. With the system of cells, the frame makes privacy guaranteed that the spaces are still linked to each other. Especially being able to move and change depending on the space makes it a lot more special.

A perfect solution for flexible, private but not isolated work zoning. Flex Active Frames is suitable for many different design styles. Being able to be flexible in the functional layout, design brings personalization.

See more of Steecase’s other designs here: https://proce.vn/en/high-class-office-furniture-for-home-workspaces-2/

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High-class office furniture Flex Active Frames represents the new multipurpose

A fixed workspace with immobile walls is an old thing. Nowadays, flexibility in the workspace is highly valued. A modern office must be able to easily change configurations. To be able to adapt to the change of personnel of the job. Connect the spaces together but still provide the necessary privacy. Flex Active Frames was born with that ability.

Flex Active Frames form natural walls that separate the area. Instead of fixing, it is easy to be moved to expand or narrow the space. This product line has the ability to exploit the strengths of open style in design. Push this style to the next level.

It’s not just the walls that can move freely. It’s not just a solution to the weaknesses of open style. Flex Active Frames is also responsible for storing items for work instead of personal cabinets. The advantage it brings in the process of use far exceeds expectations. With a classy design that has the ability to evoke great creativity. Representing the versatility of the interior already present.

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Flex Active Frames brings a uniqueness to each region

With the ability to change the configuration varies according to the imagination of the designer. Different work areas are configured differently. General invisibility provides a unique identity to the team working in that area. Combined with the beauty of high-end office furniture in that area makes a difference.

Office interior designers feel lighter with different requirements. It’s like needing privacy for each area. But we have to ensure consistency in the whole office space. Or not knowing how to create a common living space that can move.

Bring aesthetics, greenness to the office

One of the highlights of Flex Active Frames is that the design is too beautiful. Simple, powerful but neat is converged in the same product. The combination of Flex Active Frames with other furniture products paints a stunning office picture.

The firmness of the steel frame and the solid structure allow you to plant trees. And turn the Flex Active Frames itself from a personal cabinet, the partition wall into a green tree. Bring the necessary sense of freshness in the office.

According to research by experts at Steecase, the texture of Flex Active Frames is inspiring. Inspiration for creativity, inspiration for change for the better.

Flex Active Frames will be available in PROCE’s office designs.

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