Imported office furniture and office design trends 2021

16/03/2021 - 04:02

Imported office furniture provides not only functionality and aesthetics. Along with the events happening in 2020, especially the 19 covid pandemic. A new office design trend has emerged. This trend is people-centered, private in open space as the goal. Model “hybrid” – the combination of “working from home” and “working in the office”. This has a big impact on the habits, usage and design trends of workspaces in 2021. Explore this model with PROCE and learn about this new trend. And together prepare for yourself great ideas suitable for trends for the workspace.

nội thất văn phòng nhập khẩu và xu hướng thiết kế 2021

Imported office furniture remains an important factor in the new trend

The great aesthetics and functionality of imported products have contributed to forming a new trend. And of course only they are consistent with the criteria set by the new trend. Due to the impact of the epidemic, the shift of working from the office to the online form at home.

Compiled from more than 300 surveys in Vietnam in 2020. The need to design a workspace is derived from different factors. Including: People and brands, in which the human factor accounts for 60%.

Subjectively assessing that workspaces focused on user experience will inspire the development of individual competencies. Especially for young employees, developing themselves in a suitable environment becomes equally important to the welfare of businesses. Therefore, businesses tend to pay more attention to designing inspirational spaces.

nội thất văn phòng nhập khẩu mang đến màu sắc tươi sáng cho văn phòng

Imported office furniture offers privacy in open spaces

Open workspaces are gaining popularity. Originated and influenced by the world’s leading technology companies. They are the pioneers in creating a human-oriented work environment. In other words, the workspace is where they focus on investing in the connection between members.

It is a model workspace, but it has to be changed by a special event of 2020. It is heavily influenced by the global epidemic of covid 19. The concept of open spaces adds an element of privacy in entire office. Some small spaces possess separate functions such as meeting point, thinktank, etc. These are functional spaces that complement the overall open space.

In particular, in some offices have appeared the “nursing room”, lunch resort, entertainment space, etc. As the assertion companies have understood the importance of privacy in open spaces. No longer just focus on workspaces as before. They have begun to focus on and optimize the personal space and experience of the employees at the office.

Flexibility is highly recommended in office design trends 2021

Flexible workspaces are a trend that will be interested in 2021. Space flexibility is mentioned as a variety of aesthetic shapes. More specifically, office furniture will be usable for many different spaces. They are easy to switch back and forth or change functions during use.

Examples include the terraced sitting area, hot desks in the office, multi-function desks. Now you can move, stow away with just a few simple steps. Or mobile partitions in large meeting rooms, when needed, they can be divided into small scale and flexible capacity. Helping to match the needs of the business, optimizing the efficiency of the space usage.

It is completely understandable that these factors are gaining in popularity. Because now the working environment is constantly changing in a people-centered direction. Multi-functional, interactive spaces with high flexibility. Develop stronger and become a part of office interior design.

Become a cultural and brand communication tool

Office capital is just the place to focus for employees in the company to work. Along with the technology boom its role has led to change. Currently, companies use workspace layouts as a communication element. To easily assert the brand, attract and retain talented young people. It is especially effective when people are getting younger, they are active and need more than salary.

More importantly, corporate employees tend to share pictures of where they work. Where they spend most of their day active. And what’s more, the place they are working is full of top-notch virtual living corners. An extremely effective communication method that any company wants.

In addition, the reception of customers or partners at the office is always happening regularly. Thanks to the media explosion, the company’s image spread quickly. The investment in high-end office construction design as a new form of communication. It perfectly brings the corporate culture experience and brand awareness.

2021 office design trends focus on people

By that means, with the above benefits, it is not difficult to predict the 2021 office design trend towards human resources. The entire working space is optimized, the internship brings the perfect experience for the staff. In which, from colors to the designs of the interior is also directed to people. Everything is focused on creating a worthy work environment.

See details of office spaces here!

PROCE – Luxury office furniture.



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