Interior design office for foreign companies in Vietnam

16/06/2021 - 08:45

Interior design office is very normal in foreign enterprises. However, this is still new in Vietnam. Because of a variety of factors including the fear of investing in the initial cost of the working space. The habit of using what is available and thinking about the effects of a beautiful office is limited. The creation of working spaces for foreign enterprises in Vietnam is really different. This difference comes from all factors in the process of work, interior products to style. Discover that with PROCE through this article to better understand this issue.

nội thất văn phòng cao cấp phân biệt thật giả như nào

Interior design office often has a large cost

With foreign enterprises in Vietnam, they are clearly aware of the meaning of office design. From the most visible benefits such as having a beautiful working space. The working space is arranged scientifically. A meticulously groomed work environment to ensure the health of their employees. Above all, the design also opens up perfection in matters related to creativity. And also the soft power of the business before its partners and customers.

Because of that, they are not too demanding in the cost of designing the working space. For them, it is only possible to create a classy and suitable working space. However, it is not necessary to give a cost in heaven they also accept. They know very well the long-term benefits and value in each design given. For them creativity and class are the first two factors that determine the space.

Generally with foreign companies they are willing to spend a large amount of money on creating space. This opens up huge opportunities for companies to design work spaces. The opportunity to create high-class offices is completely expanded. No longer bound by cost, now the creativity of the designer can expand the silk very much.

thiết kế nội thất văn phòng cao cấp tại Việt nam

Interior design office furniture in a different style

You may be too familiar with the image of stamping in domestic working spaces. With gray tones with long desk systems and medium furniture. Occasionally, we will knit some ornamental plants to create a blue color for the working space. Speciality is almost not in the working corners. And there is also a lack of colors that stimulate creativity that is important to create efficiency.

We have seen and admired the working space of GOOGLE, of FACE BOOK, etc. Foreign corporations always know how to create a desirable working space. They don’t use traditional designs or are too mass. Also don’t put too much focus on their brand recognition. They use the flexibility of colors to create breakthrough spaces.

So do FDI enterprises or foreign corporations in Vietnam. They don’t put too much weight on branding or space-saving in design. The working space will always be included in eye-catching colors to create creativity at work. They will not hesitate to choose a different style, breaking the way for their office. The more creative the better, the more improvised spaces the better. For them, the working space is a place to evoke the imagination and creativity of the staff.

Notable points when designing offices for foreign companies

One of the notable points when creating a working space is comfort. Especially with foreign companies, this is getting even more attention. They always want their personnel to be comfortable throughout the work process. We spend most of our day in the office. Therefore, without comfort, it is easy to create ermable pressure. The comfort will come from the logical space arrangement and come from high-end furniture.

Always use high-class office furniture for the working space. Foreign enterprises understand the value of these products. Therefore, they do not hesitate to bring those products into their working space.

Aesthetic and creative elements always come first. In the workplace of multinational corporations always make others admire. There, they invest a lot in aesthetics, from color to the design of the interior. Above all, each detail is meticulously calculated and designed to be both efficient and effective to use. There’s also an artistic element in it.

Which construction design unit is the first choice in Vietnam of large corporations?

Pioneering in bringing high-class office furniture to Vietnam. PROCE is a prestigious brand that is trusted by foreign enterprises. The evidence is that PROCE has implemented office construction design for large corporations. As Unilever, Swarovski, GENTHERM GREENFIELD, etc.

See specific projects here!

PROCE – Luxury office furniture.



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