Interior design office – Office interior design attracts Gen Z talent

19/03/2022 - 03:14

How to design office furniture to attract Gen Z talents to join the business. Gen Z is the term for young people who are starting to enter working age. Specifically, young people born in 1997-2010. With the development of technology and the new accessibility and orientation of education. Gen Z young people have a different mindset in both lifestyle and work. This will be a source of quality “serum” to complement the development of the company. With differences in thinking and aesthetics, how to attract them. Join PROCE to explore the factors that attract them in the interior design for the workspace.

thiết kế nội thất văn phòng cho gen z

High-tech integrated office interior design

Born in the age of the tech boom, Gen Z gained very early access to this gadget. Therefore, the fact that they grasp and apply technology in their work is extremely proficient. It can be said that the reception of information or collection of their data is entirely based on technology. In this way, they approach faster, less effort-intensively on a problem.

The Internet of Things has been and will spread to all aspects of life. Gen Z has grown up with it so they are almost dependent on it. The Covid-19 pandemic changed the concept of the office and how to communicate with the epidemic. The employees of the previous generation Z felt lost, surprised but with Gen Z, it was almost unaffected.

Because of the above, the application, integration of technology into the workspace is essential. In addition, along with technology 4.0, the form of business reaching customers also changed. Now traditional sales channels are gradually backing down to cede the stage to the online channel. Businesses should start prioritizing the modernization of internal digital channels and resources. Use more technology in day-to-day work activities to prepare for 5.0.

thiết kế nội thất văn phòng cho gen z

Modern open-style office interior design

It must be admitted that Gen Z has a great dynamism and need to express itself. They are familiar with the form of communication using technology but love to meet and interact. At work, too, they like to work in spaces that are open to communication.

The open office interior design style provides daily communication opportunities for personnel. The ease of connecting with each other can foster interaction between personnel. Help the collective spirit to be enhanced, the working environment becomes close and friendly. This is exactly what Gen Z is looking for in the workplace. Because for them, going to work is not only to earn money but also to go to work is also a place to find joy, a place to connect.

However, with his strong personality sometimes Gen Z also needs privacy to express the ego. So even if it’s a modern open style, there needs to be some private corners for them. By using a single desk system and a few low partitions, this problem has been solved.

See more office design styles here!

gen z - nội thất văn phòng

Flexible workspace prioritizes the use of a variety of entertainment facilities

With the freedom of lifestyle, Gen Z loves flexible workspaces. They hate constraints in the work environment, it is that negative emotion that makes the work performance poor. A workspace where they can work in all positions, comfortable in activities. A workspace that can be flexible between playing and doing is what appeals to them above all else. Only then will their work really be uplifted, the performance is also the best.

Interior design for the workspace to attract Gen Z is indispensable relax area. In recent times, in the designs that PROCE brings, there is an area for this space. Playing to do is the slogan that is always present in Gen Z’s head. They will be impressed with the flexible workspace between work and entertainment.

Bringing flexibility and entertainment space into the office brings too much effect. That’s why you need to invest more in this space.

gen z - nội thất văn phòng cao cấp

Highly aesthetic workspace

With Gen Z they have a very good sense of aesthetics. What’s better than being able to bring a highly aesthetic space and many chill corners. In the workspace where just changing seats can be right at the perfect selfie corner. Then your company will save a lot of money on internal marketing.

In addition to aesthetics, sustainable development is also an important factor attracting Gen Z. They are the generation that is very aware of how important sustainable development is. Make sure that your workspace clearly expresses that, not the slogan.

Maybe just with that stop the information will make you feel like you don’t know how to do it. Contact PROCE – the overall solution of luxury office – to find the full answer.






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