Luxury office design story of the journey of “brushstrokes” at PROCE

12/05/2022 - 02:34

Office design is not easy when there are so many elements that need to be mastered. Luxury offices are a completely different level. In an office worthy of two words of luxury, it is not just aesthetics that are integrity functions. In that design is also a story of the business is written perfectly. Every little detail about the interior until the process of forming the space must be meticulously refined. And today PROCE will tell everyone about the journey of “drawings”.

Luxury office design begins with inspiration and understanding

The beginning is always the most difficult process. The beginning of a luxury office project is the “drawings”. It seems like an easy job, but it’s actually the hardest part. The struggle of creativity, the hard work of thinking, the travail of a beginning. And also the hard work of finding, choosing.

Design is the story of creative inspiration mixed with technical thinking and experience. To be able to put pen to paper to draw the first strokes to create a high-class workspace. The designer must find and gain new inspiration from the basic requirements of the investor. It is easy to see the image of sitting innocently with the lifeless eyes of the designer at PROCE. That’s when they think about love, they feel the desire of the investor and they are looking for inspiration. That lost soul-like state disappears when a light flashes in his head.

It is said that the first step in the journey begins with inspiration and understanding. Because luxury offices are not only places that require perfect functionality and great aesthetics. It’s also a brand story about what’s most quintessential about the business. It’s not just the inspiration from things or everyday life like artists. The designer must understand the brand, understand the business. Only then will the pen be put down and the brush begins its journey.

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Luxury office design is pictured from experience and enthusiasm

Start with ambiguity in the mind, from understanding that generates inspiration. Then when the brushstroke has begun the journey it will no longer be vague or over-flying. There is still a sublimation in creativity but has interjected with reality. It can’t be like paintings that are just beautiful without being pragmatic. For beautiful external office design, the use and layout of the subdivision must be practical.

Unlike other units, it is a pioneer in bringing high-end office furniture to Vietnam. PROCE’s design experts understand each HR position, each job needs. And it can be said that they completely master the space to arrange for accurate measurements. They will always let their drawings be both soft and beautiful and practically solid. From how much traffic is needed to where the personnel administrative area needs to be located. Everything is gradually formed by my experience. The experience drawn from experiencing hundreds of large projects for FDI enterprises and corporations.

This stage of the journey has a strange work ethic. The brushstrokes run on the pages, on the technical drawings on the PC. The work lights at the office also only turn off when everything has been connected and the rudimentary finish has gone up.

The journey goes through the meticulously refined stage

When the rudimentary strokes have been connected a strip so that the drawing is on the frame. It is also the time when the brushstrokes enter the stage of sharpening from rough to pure. The rudimentary strokes after being shaped (this stage is also the 2D process). The investor was able to see the rationality in the function, see the layout of the office. The designer will cut and refine each angle to produce the so-called complete.

During this period, the rough brushstrokes will be carved into bone-covered meat. To put it more simply, is the process of bringing interior images into space and embellishing the space. This will take the designer’s time. They have to choose each chair, each table even each brick or the smallest decorative detail. Everything to create the most complete portrait for the office.

At this stage, the designer will be extremely difficult when faced with many interior choices. It can only be based on the function, on the aesthetics and needs of the investor to choose. At the end of this period, the brushstrokes will become perfect 3D spatial copies.

The final point in the journey of “drawings”

In the previous period, “brushstrokes” became beautiful complete 3D copies. These are almost the final stages of this journey. And before the “drawings” transform themselves into luxury offices. They need to take an extra step on a journey called a “technical drawing.” This will be the stage where the strokes are adjusted to “measure” the rings. Every detail on the design from the interior to the decoration, glass walls … All of them are granted to the entire specific specifications enough for the stroke to transform itself into an entity.

And this is also considered the end of the journey of “drawings”. But only the end of the stroke because then they will become entities. It will no longer be brushstrokes on paper or on a PC, but a high-class workspace. The design will go hand in hand during the construction process. As well as the final destination will be the complete office.

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See also: Interior trends 2022 for luxury offices!






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