What should interior design for convention centers be aware of?

02/07/2021 - 08:41

Interior design, When designing the interior of the hall, it is suitable for the needs of use along with the maximum meeting. Creating comfort for users, the value of that space will be elevated. And for the design of the modern hall is no exception. If you want to own a professional hall space. We also have to follow certain principles. Understanding that it’s not easy to do that. If you are a person who is not knowledgeable about the interior, it will be even more difficult. Understanding that, in the content of this article, we would like to share some important things. In the design of the hall interior in a modern direction.

Interior design for the hall needs to prioritize the purchase of suitable chairs

The work of planning to choose to buy, interior layout for the hall is the first priority. It’s a job that goes through a lot of stages and it’s not easy. From planning effectively, or finding the most optimal layout with space. To allocate funding for each stage in a reasonable sense.

You will not deny the importance of hall chairs. It can be said that when you choose a hall chair, you have basically completed 50% of the design. Depending on the purpose of use, you should choose the most suitable type of hall chair. If the hall is for teaching and studying, you should choose simple chair models. As long as they are designed to the standard and cost-effective.

As for the design of the hall is of a respectful and prestigious nature. With this environment, you need to create accents by using fabric upholstery with floral felt. Or the design of the headrests and armrests with delicate sculptures brings a smooth, pleasant feeling. Especially bring a sense of polite respect somewhat lavish, the better. When meetings take place for hours ensures that participants will not be tired.

Interior design for the hall prioritizes choosing the right table

The main purpose of the hall tables and chairs is for conferences, seminars, meetings … Where attendees may have to sit for hours, daily to listen to presentations, consultations … Therefore, the hall table is not only selected with elegant and luxurious color design. But also pay attention to the feeling of comfort and relaxation for conference attendees. The wooden hall tables, shielded, have a height suitable for the user’s body. Despite choosing the right hall chair, it is still impossible to replace the enormous role of the hall table.

In addition, the interior of the anath aid hall such as carpets, curtains, lights, podiums … It should also be focused because they will bring “soul” to the hall. In a “hard dry” space only tables and chairs like halls. These assistance furniture will have the effect of softening the space, bringing a gentle, pleasant feeling. Floor mats, curtains, veneer cladding create a charming and luxurious space. Interior lights will brighten the beauty of the space.

Soundproofing for halls

Hall standards are always a matter of concern when designing and constructing hall furniture. The hall space always needs absolute distinction. Participants in events, performances … Attention is required and is not affected by any noise from the outside. Therefore, the sound standards for the hall need to be handled in the most complete way. Ensure that the sound reduction condition helps participants feel better.

To increase the effectiveness of sound digestion, the ceiling structure should use plasterboard cladding material. Because it will evenly distribute the reflected negative energy to the audience seats, especially the rows of seats at the end of the auditorium. The reflected rays to the audience seat are shortened to enhance the sound level. They increase clarity, moreover gypsum is an easy material to build, easy to shape. Both negative and beautiful curves or motifs can be used for this space.

The land of walls, ceilings, floors of the hall

With side walls, you should arrange cycle dividing walls (folded surfaces). They can achieve better sound gestion and amplification effects. Inclined sides opposite the negative source need to be treated with 100% negative suction material such as XPS foam, negative pepper egg foam.

As for the back wall of the hall, it needs to be handled in a guest way. The sound reflects constantly from the ceiling, the back wall causes an unpleasant bounce. To overcome this phenomenon, you can use strong suction materials (mineral cotton, egg sucking …). Arrange on the back wall and balcony railing of the auditorium to increase the efficiency of sucking sound away from echoes.

It is not recommended to ignore the negative for the hall floor. Floor mats are a very good suction material for both directions. In case of using wooden floors, it should be noted that elastic lining such as fibers, PVC … under the wood.

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PROCE – Luxury office furniture.

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