How will office design needs change in 2023?

30/11/2022 - 06:43

What changes will office design in 2023 have in the needs of businesses? Considered the year for the economic and spiritual recovery of the whole world. Office design 2023 will focus on renovating and building factory offices mainly. This demand is completely different from previous years. The reason is that the economy and spirit of the world have just come out of the pandemic. Let’s take a closer look at these changes now.

Factory office design increased sharply

In Vietnam, 2023 is forecasted to be the year of landing from FDI enterprises into our country. Mainly building factory systems for production activities. With a large skilled workforce, our country will be the new factory of the world. The demand for factory office design will increase sharply, this is also a new opportunity and challenge. In particular, in the construction of factory offices, there are many points to note.

The creation of a factory office needs to pay attention to many factors. From materials, landscapes, styles, colors to lighting,… See details of factory office design here!

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New office design replaced by renovation

In addition to the strong demand for office creation, the need to renovate offices is the same. Businesses will prioritize re-utilizing the still-good interior and renovating the fitout section primarily. This option was not previously preferred. However, in 2023 due to many factors, office renovations will be used more than refreshing.

The main reason for this is the economic situation of enterprises. Bracing themselves in the epidemic years makes many businesses have not really turned themselves. The need for a beautiful workspace is inevitable. But because finance does not allow for renovation, renovating and taking advantage of the interior is the preferred choice.

This form inherently has the strength of savings but makes it difficult in the design process. Having to take advantage of existing furniture into a new style is not easy. It is necessary to have a lot of experience in designing, meticulous accuracy in the measurement process. And only the top players in the industry really do this well.

The need for changing space and interior colors

If it is the former, quiet tones will always be popular in the office. But in 2023, things are much different. The quiet tones recede to make room for brighter colors. Especially the striking strong tones will be used a lot for both space and interior.

With the desire to recover mentally after many years of epidemics. People aim for brighter colors in life so that the soul is at ease. Colors in the workspace will aim to be brighter such as light yellow, light blue….

Demand for entertainment in the office increased sharply

Workspace in 2023 aims to be friendly and close for personnel. Working on rest or daily activities is fully supported. In which stress relief, relaxing rest are prioritized. The rest areas will be allocated more land according to the needs of the business.

The freelance model, not limited to the form of work will be used a lot. HR can now get their work done anywhere. Also completely comfortable with his time.

Coworking model crowned

Coworking will receive special attention in 2023. This model allows businesses to save on initial design costs. But still use a classy workspace with high-class furniture. More importantly, businesses no longer have to worry too much about office management. There will always be a support management personnel system in each coworking model.

Above are the changes in demand in office design 2023 worth noting. These changes will create a challenging 2023 for design businesses. It is also an opportunity for these units to change in accordance with the trend

Office Design Trends 2023:






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