What should the design office at the factory take note of?

13/04/2022 - 08:55

Office design right at the factory is a great solution for manufacturing businesses. It helps businesses save the cost of renting new premises. And create many favorable conditions in the production operation process. This is considered the most suitable solution for foreign businesses in Vietnam. However, combining the workspace of the office block with the production block will be difficult. How can these two parts not be affected by each other. What should be noted in the design process? Discover this with PROCE through this article.

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What are the benefits of designing a factory office?

There are many advantages to setting up an office right in the factory. The first can be mentioned is the saving of a small amount of money for renting the premises. The second is the convenience of operation when it is possible to quickly connect parts. Improve work efficiency as well as create convenience and prestige with partners and customers.

With the placement of the office right at the factory can take advantage of the available land area. Not only do you take advantage of the land fund to save a lot of new rental costs. But the surveillance camera system, the transportation system … It is also effectively utilized. Reducing the cost of office design can shorten the finishing process.

The fact that the office block is located right in the factory will bring favorable conditions in production operation. Operational problems as well as errors are resolved quickly. The bond between these two blocks is also easily established. And customers, partners of the business can easily visit the place of production to create more prestige. Too many benefits for manufacturing companies when setting up an office right at the factory.

thiết kế văn phòng tại nhà xưởng ở Việt Nam

What should factory office design take note of?

The benefits are many, but there will be many problems that need to be solved intelligently. The first factor is how to optimize the functionality of the office. The desk work capital has created a feeling of boredom so the workspace must be creative and beautiful. But in the factory with priority of quality and capacity, what needs to be done to make the office suitable.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to study the arrangement of the working subdivision for each department. Base on the surrounding landscape to choose the area as well as decorative colors. Use high-end office furniture products with sleek creative colors that create eye-catching colors. Create multipurpose and pantry spaces where HR can both work and relax.

In addition, the factor of ensuring natural light is also a problem that must be solved. It is necessary to make the most of natural light instead of relying heavily on light bulbs. The factory will always be accompanied by smog and noise these are two things that make office people hate. To solve this, just add trees to purify the air and minimize noise.

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Immovable principles in the process of designing a factory office

The first rule is to separate the two office and factory areas. This is required because the smog and sound of stability during the production process will affect the personnel. Design separate partitions or set up wide empty areas for separation. Solutions to ensure that the production process does not affect the performance of the office.

The second principle is that the interior space must be aesthetically pleasing. Because it is an office block where it regularly welcomes partner customers. Also the workspace requires high creativity so aesthetics must be ensured. The interior must be neatly arranged, highly aesthetically pleasing. Priority should be given to the corner of space, natural green corners inside the office. The interior lines also need to be good, luxurious, modern and handy

There must always be an element of brand identity that integrates skillfully in the office space. Of course, in any workspace, it’s natural to include brand identity. It is not only effective in communicating partners, customers. But also the history and value of the business in the process of forming development.

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Types of offices in the factory

There are two types of offices in the factory: the type of assembly in the factory and the office on the second floor. Both types have their own advantages and difficulties in the tectonic process. See details of the types of offices in the factory here: https://proce.vn/cac-mau-thiet-ke-van-phong-trong-nha-xuong-moi-nhat-2022/



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