5 common mistakes in office furniture design

31/05/2021 - 08:46

Whether it is a large corporation or a small company, office furniture design has a certain influence on physical, mental health and work productivity. However, there are currently many choices of design styles and office furniture products that make it difficult to give the right direction. Many businesses do not pay attention to ensuring the harmony of elements in the office and make certain mistakes. In this blog, Proce will share office furniture design misconceptions that companies should avoid to make a fun & successful office design.

1. Mistakes in office layout design

– Do not provide open and private space

When it comes to office layout, there are many debates surrounding whether to choose an open or closed office. In fact, choosing and strictly following a solution can be a mistake in office furniture design. The office should balance both common elements and private space in accordance with each purpose, nature and specific work. Unnecessarily overusing open spaces will have a negative impact on work productivity. It’s better to provide options to suit each specific audience.

Furniture does not match the office layout

With each room space having a different area and height, it will be necessary to arrange furniture of the appropriate size. Furniture that is not suitable for the office area (too big or too small) not only makes it feel cramped or empty, but can also affect the work of officers. For example, the size of a file cabinet or a desk that is too large will easily create “dead” corners that cannot be used in the office. These corners are also create division in the office space.

– Do not choose the right chair

Choosing the right chair will ensure comfort during work, avoid back pain, neck and eye strain, and reduce the risk of physical discomfort. Opting an adjustable chair allows you to rest your feet firmly on the floor while your arms can rest evenly with the height of the desk. The back of the chair is adjustable and provides lumbar support for the lower back.

2. Overuse of office decor

Many offices abuse too many sophisticated and cumbersome decorative details, creating a cramped space, affecting morale and work productivity. Therefore, towards minimalism is the principle that businesses can consider. Minimalist office design uses as few decorative details as possible, original space and new materials are preferred. Do not use too many furniture with cumbersome details and colors. Just use some necessary furniture to create a large and airy space. The simpler it is, the more effective it is.

3. Light distribution lacks of harmonization

Lighting plays an important role in office design. Using an inappropriate light source can seriously affect the quality of work, employee morale and aesthetic value. Some companies may only care about modern aesthetics for the office, arrange too many different types of lighting in many areas. Meanwhile, there are businesses that save money for the company without providing enough light. Lighting that is too dim or too bright can cause headaches, eye strain, anxiety, and fatigue for employees.

The office has two main sources of light: natural light and artificial light. Companies should focus a lot on getting as much natural light into the office space as possible. There is no denying the benefits of natural sunlight to human health, bringing a sense of security, excitement and positive energy. The more natural light in the office, the less reliance on other forms of lighting that have negative effects. However, the intensity of natural light changes over time, so to ensure the harmony and comfort of officers, it is necessary to arrange furniture to regulate the light intensity such as curtains, blinds, etc.

Besides, not all companies have the ability to take advantage of this light source. So it is necessary to be clever in the arrangement of artificial light. Artificial light sources should also be designed in accordance with the layout of the office interior and human factors in mind.

Please refer to the lighting standards here

4. Do not care about employees’ needs

Office space is not only designed to suit the needs and purposes of the leader. But also needs to consider the wishes and suggestions of employees, because the “one for all” rule does not apply to the office. Many businesses unintentionally ignore the employee factor and only focus on leadership vision and business purposes.
When choosing the right office design, employees should be involved in this process for their benefit and morale. So that the leader can understand the employee’s wishes. Moreover, get unique ideas for the office. In this way, it is possible to create a comfortable environment for everyone to be productive and give their best.

An open work environment will stimulate the creation of ideas and is suitable for group work, but private space will also be needed for tasks that require intense concentration. In the process of designing an office, it is necessary to consider the needs of everyone. Choose large desks for group meetings, while still provide desks and individual cabinets to ensure productivity on a stand-alone basis. The combination of collaborative and private space is absolutely practical to create a complete office space.

5. No space for customers and partners

Some companies focus so much on the interior of the office layout that they forget an equally important element, the lobby. Properly designed lobby area, entrance, and corridor will create a good impression of the company and its own brand in the eyes of new employees, customers and potential partners. Talented employees will consider working with you, investors will decide if they want to support you, clients will choose if they want to hire you, the whole thought process starts from the point they enter a luxurious, sophisticated or modern, simple lounge. While the competition is getting fiercer, making a good first impression is really important.

With the right design, office spaces can be personalized to the physical and professional needs of leaders and employees. Proce is proud to provide a total solution of professional, modern office furniture. Which helps businesses design and install perfect products to maximize productivity and creative thinking. If you’re ready to start redesigning your office, contact Proce today.

PROCE – Luxury Furniture Office

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