A look back at 2021 on the last working day of the year

31/12/2021 - 09:30

Following the cycle of work, suddenly looking up at the clock suddenly realizes that we are entering the last working day of 2021. One year we face an epidemic with difficulties piling up difficulties. But the enthusiasm, effort has helped bring many sweet fruits to PROCE. With the completion of more high-class workspaces for businesses in Vietnam such as Worldline, MidWay,… The same projects are still in the process of being shaped. It’s still been a successful year for us.

The first days of the year.

It’s like a blink of an eye as we’re still in our heads about the joyful image of welcoming 2021. The smiles are as if they had just been given. At the beginning of the new year with a fiery atmosphere, PROCE has continuously achieved success with large-scale projects. These projects are completed during the year with a smile that could not be fresher than the investor. When they receive the perfect workspace after having given PROCE trust. Thank you to the businesses that helped PROCE have a great new year start.

Mid-year and resistance to the pandemic

It seems that Covid-19 has been brought under control after a great effort by the government and the health sector. However, we still have to leave the office to temporarily stay in place. The concept of “work from home” emerged as a network phenomenon. Get used to the feeling of working alone and communicating with your dear colleagues on a computer screen.

From here the concept of the office has also changed and we need to interact with each other more than ever. During this period, PROCE as well as many other companies were severely affected. Work efficiency decreased markedly. But proud that the people who work at PROCE are having a great working environment. Supported both mentally and materially, most importantly, the health of all members is very good.

The announcement ceremony of the launch of the remote epidemic prevention technology center was held at the design and construction gio PROCE space.

The last days of 2021 are booming.

When we get back to work, it’s time to spend two-thirds of the year. And as a maintenance yacht, be prepared for everything best. PROCE soared as soon as it returned to its new normal life. As evidenced by the series of high-class workspaces branded PROCE has been born. Along with that, a series of projects are being conceived directly waiting to launch.

Even though it’s the last working day of the year, the working atmosphere is still boiling. Everyone is shining with the atmosphere of the sky, devoting themselves to the work. A difficult year has passed with joy and sadness and many unfinished plans. PROCE hopes all good things will wait for us in 2022. Wishing proce members a healthy new year, wishing you prosperity!

Still hard at work even though the old year is coming to an end

Happy New Year

See more of the projects we completed in 2021 here!

PROCE – Luxury office furniture.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmHTphVmf6cD9N9nwbb5kvA

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/vanphongnhapkhauProce

GG Business: https://business.google.com/dashboard/l/15115233216900975876

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