Art work in the office – Benefits and applications 2022

08/06/2022 - 08:32

Artwork in the office is considered the future trend of office design. These works of art bring a lot of great value to business personnel. In Vietnam, this form is still very butt lung. Some workspaces have appeared this form but there are many limitations. In this article let’s explore the great benefits and its applications!

Artwork in the office can improve performance

According to research conducted in European countries and the US for more than 10 years. The researchers came to a conclusion that made office designers wonder. It’s about bringing artwork into the workspace that doesn’t just improve emotions. Increasing productivity makes communication easy. And make a great impression on the customers of the business.

Since ancient times, people have always had a distinct and deep feeling with art. The display of art in the office space brings relaxation. It makes the mood of the personnel become harmoniously comfortable. Make sure to be mentally always in a playful state. This not only helps the spirit but also tomorrow the great value of health.

Artwork in the office is a tool for directions, a corporate culture.

Office space always has many different work areas. For large areas there are many paths and many interconnection areas. Moving around the office sometimes becomes a towel warehouse with new employees. Meanwhile, the human brain always tends to hold impressive environmental characteristics. The artwork can be considered as a marker to help people have more direction. It’s easier to move in space, believe me it will be very useful when you’re folding.

One of the immovable requirements when designing a workspace is brand identity. It is sovereignty that is the distinct mark of the business. In the workplace, that mark needs to be given clearly and closely. Art decommissions are the best media to bring the brand to the radio.

Simply put, a work of art is selected and displayed in the office. It has to have a meaning – everyone will understand that. For example, an abstract work is displayed as the word of the business about the form of business. When using traditional multi-ethnic works, it represents a diverse way of working. vvv

Reduce stress and create space for creativity

Art is a mental medicine capable of restoring emotions and relieving stress effectively. In the workplace, we face pressures every day. These pressures strangle us, making it difficult to breathe. And we all face mental exhaustion after a day’s work. That’s when works of art, especially natural landscape themes, work.

Phuc restores energy to the brain, reducing the feeling of stress fatigue. Bring tenderness to the soul. Along with that, according to research by scientists, artwork has the effect of reducing anger. The working environment is a place where many different personalities are gathered. Mentally repressed anger can create unnecessary collisions. These collisions make the work environment less civilized. It is also the reason for the instability of the business.

Art can arouse stories, civilized healthy discussions between people. Create interactions outside of work. Make conversations open, fun and still achieve your goals. Above all, it is a space for creativity to ascend to the throne. Art it as well as nature it takes the viewer to a different mental space. It makes us feel new and new ideas come out of it.

How to apply artwork in office design

Here are the benefits that artwork in the workspace brings. Let’s look forward to how to apply them in office design in the following article.

See more of the “artwork in the work space” trend here!






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