Happy men’s day 2022

16/11/2022 - 02:48

Happy men’s day 2022

It’s rare to have a day of the year where a man is so honored. 19-11 days men is a new term for the vast majority of Vietnamese. But at PROCE where every member is cherished, everyone is the flesh and blood of the family. This day becomes a beautiful memory in the heart of every PROCE Men because every year you are given the best things.

This year 2022, no longer held cozy at the office, you have been free to roam in the vast space in the suburbs. In that wonderful late autumn weather, come on the game, let’s have a barbecue. Everything has made for an unforgettable anniversary for all of you. And perhaps the most impressive is the “thank you for love” sung by a 5-star choir called WOMAN’S PROCE.

Thank you for bringing such a wonderful day for me PROCE!



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