Looking back at 2024!

26/12/2024 - 05:48

“What have we achieved in the past year? – Let’s take a look back at the highlights of a dynamic 2024 with Proce.

It was a year full of challenges, but we also had the opportunity to deliver many high-class workspaces, including:

A sophisticated Indochine-style workspace in a French villa located in the heart of District 1.

văn phòng phong cách Indochine

High-end office furniture and a professional, classy working environment for Worldline, Europe’s largest payment service provider, right in the center of Hanoi.

dự án worldline

Completing an important project in the workspace with Gentherm.

dự án gentherm

Creating the workspace that bankers dream of for VPBank Securities.

dự án vpbank

Along with our passion and enthusiasm, experience, and relentless effort, Proce has redefined the perfect – quality – elegance for the chairman’s office, one of the most outstanding spaces dedicated to exceptional leaders.

Pioneering the trend of luxury offices in Vietnam, we now introduce the concept of sustainability (Timeless Office) and ultra-luxury office interiors (The Ultra Luxury Office).

noi that phong chu tich

phong hop trong phong chu tich

As a challenging 2024 is gradually coming to a close, let’s look forward to a flourishing 2025 with us – Proce – The Ultra Luxury Office.

nội thất phòng chủ tịch



Website: https://proce.vn/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmHTphVmf6cD9N9nwbb5kvA

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/vanphongnhapkhauProce

GG Business: https://business.google.com/dashboard/l/15115233216900975876

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/74359718/admin/

Hotline: 090.115.6767







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