08/06/2021 - 12:59

 Following the Prime Minister’s call to support the “COVID-19 Vaccine Fund” to serve the purchase, import, research and production of Vaccines and use of COVID-19 vaccines, together with the message of CEO Rico Group, each Proce employee spent one day’s salary or more to contribute to the Vaccine fund. We all contribute a small part with our hearts and responsibility, for each person’s health, for the community, for the nation and with the spirit of international solidarity, joining hands to fight the pandemic in each country and the whole world.

Quote from CEO Nguyen Van Binh’s message: “ Dear Rico members, we are so lucky that every day around the world, millions of people are infected with covid and hundreds of thousands of people died from this disease. Millions of people without jobs fall into extreme poverty. Many companies had to stop operation. We are so lucky to have people on the front lines who are determined to make sacrifices to fight the epidemic. We, the people of RICO today, are safe, healthy and highly appreciative and grateful for it. I send this message to urge everyone to be for themselves, for the company (when you are motivated, you have sown sweet fruits for yourself and the company in the future) and for the noble community, each person take from 1 day salary or more to support our government’s Covid-19 vaccine fund. Send a message confirming the number of working days you support to your manager today to join us in creating a beautiful life. Love! CEO”

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