Unique selling point (USP) – Think inside the box

11/06/2021 - 08:45

As part of the company’s general development strategy along with the goal of changing the perception and thinking of the Rico-ers, on June 7, all employees of the departments in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh participated in the training session at the beginning of the week organized by CEO of Rico Group – Mr. Nguyen Van Binh. The training session was accompanied by a special character – Ms Jeanie Hoa Nguyen – the only successor in Vietnam of marketing billionaire Jay Abraham.

Under the guidance of CEO Nguyen Van Binh, Rico-ers listened to the enthusiastic sharing of the audio talk show of Ms. Jeanie Hoa. The sharing session pointed out misperceptions and learned valuable lessons on the way to steer the business boat to a successful shore. The highlight is a very interesting marketing lesson related to the concept of “unique selling point (USP).

So far, USP is the criterion that every business wants to aim for, is the backbone for the company’s long-term development. USP can be thought of as “what you have that your competitors don’t.” Using USP is considered a great marketing tool to affirm the product position of the business and set the business brand in the eyes of consumers. With this concept, many companies always try to find the most unique feature of the product. They spent the great love for the product and company, then forget that the person they should love and respect most is their customers. Ms Jeanie Hoa changed this mindset, by eliminating the USP and proposing a new method of “dating business and loving customer”. Let’s spend a little bit of love for the company and give a big love to our customers.

How to break the boundaries and reach this familiar simple method? Marketing strategy is not too sublime, but it is the close, simple things around us. Instead of trying to find USPs to promote products in a sea of people, why not go back and start with old customers. Discover hidden possibilities and forgotten opportunities from these customers. Let be for customers unconditionally and give them absolute trust and love. Customers make the difference and bring the highest value. Let know how to take advantage of old customers and take care of them effectively that will bring results beyond expectations.

CEO Mr Nguyen Van Binh also shared about the lesson of the law of cause and effect in life and business and sent a message to all employees. The first thing to do after the training session is to call the first customer, the first benefactor who helped us during a difficult time. Let’s express our sincere gratitude for all the good they have done for us.
At the end of the training session, all members of Rico Group felt happy when acquire valuable knowledge. The last lesson is to change the way you approach customers, which is to change your business strategic thinking. Appreciate everything around us: optimize what you have, you will get what you want.


Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmHTphVmf6cD9N9nwbb5kvA

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