Do you remember the last time you bought a chair for your home office? Do you remember how you just went down to your local superstore to get it? Do you also remember how you walked down the chair aisle and completely ignored all the chairs that were over $50 dollars? We bet you didn’t even look. And finally, we are sure you will never forget how you just walked right up to the last chair in the aisle, you know, that one that was just barely $20 dollars.

Yes, in hindsight, those cheap chairs might seem like the better buy, however, if you think of all the back and buttocks problems you must now be facing since you bought that $20 dollar chair, you will see just how expensive it “truly” is. Although buying a chair that is $200 dollars or more may seem like such an “expensive chair” at the moment, but trust us, in the long run, it will be worth it, not only for your bank account but also for your back and your buttocks.


For years, scientists have researched and used destruction testing on many different kinds of materials. All of this has been done in order to ensure that every material is of the highest quality.

Now, if you choose to buy the least expensive chair, nearly all of the materials are made cheaply with fiber and other cheap cloth as well as far less stitching, almost no padding, and very few adjustments. However, if you opt for the more expensive chair, all of the materials are of high quality and made with leather, vinyl, and even polyurethane. There are more stitching’s, padding and a lot of adjustments as well.


Doctors have been researching for years about the effects of sitting for long period of time in chairs and have been using that information to help create the most ergonomically sound chairs as well as help companies understand the importance of such a chair.

When sitting for long periods of time in a cheap chair, it has many negative effects on your body such as organ damage, leg disorders, and even muscle degeneration. Especially since most people will be sitting in these chairs, at their desks, for nearly all of the 40+ hours a week they are at work. But, if you are using a higher quality chair, an ergonomic chair, it will help give you better posture, allow you to adjust the chair in a way that is most comfortable to you and will even prevent all the negative effects you could potentially have.



Just like doctors and scientists who have done research and testing, engineers have also done lots of work to help make sure that you will be able to have the most customizable chair while never skimping on the sturdiness of it.

When you go to your local store to search for a chair, you usually only have a few options at hand, however, when you search online, you get the most options. While the cheap chair designs have fewer adjustments, this is due to the fact that they are not able to deliver a sturdy, or cheap, chair with all the additional knobs and levers.

But, with the more expensive designs, they are able to deliver more adjustment on the arms, headrest, back and butt areas of the chair all the while allowing it to withstand years of use, and this is due to the fact that they are able to spend more because the chair costs more.


In conclusion, there is so much that goes into designing and creating a chair. So, if you are someone who likes to spend a lot of money on a chair than buy the cheapest one, however, if you want to save your money, and not waste your time going to the doctors because of your aching body than buy the more expensive one.

We know you would never skimp on the quality of care you give to ensure your family is healthy, so, why would you skimp on the quality of your chair. This too is another way to ensure the health and safety of you and your family, so even though it may seem expensive at the moment, long down the road, you will be glad you made the decision.