How much is your office worth???

06/11/2021 - 02:38

How much will your office be worth? Where you are spend most of the day devoting your youth. It’s where you are more than at home. Have you ever wondered how much it’s worth? How the value of the workplace is measured and whether the place you’re contributing is already great. Let’s find out the most comprehensive evaluation criteria for a perfect workspace. Let’s see if where you work is worth it.

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The office is designed to be “neat”

The first thing that helps us measure the value of a workspace is in space. An office with a neatly designed workspace. Each area is clearly divided in accordance with the nature of the work. The flow of transportation is convenient for daily travel and provides alignment between parts. The openness is evident as soon as the step comes.

The planning and design of the office a logic brings a lot of value to the business. From making the most of the area avoid wasting. Until the departments with different work characteristics are working in the right place. It helps to increase productivity significantly. This helps us to know the value of coordination in the workspace.

Neatness, stability and science are the first things that make up the greatness of the workspace. Take a 10-point scale to measure, assess where you’re working. If you find itself to have achieved less than 6 points, it is recommended to look to PROCE.

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The office has the perfect interior.

One of the factors that creates the value of a workspace is the interior. Along with the change in the role of the workspace. Furniture for the workspace also changes from day to day. If it was before just a little beautiful code and full functionality is okay. Now the office interior knows two high-end words.

High-end office furniture is always worth its price when it brings so many great things. Ensure the full range of aesthetics, functions as well as health for users. Not only sleek, great durability but with the application of ergonomics they are really great. They help the business reduce the cost of new maintenance. They give people a great experience and ensure their health.

The workspace owns high-end furniture, of course its value is raised to a different level. That value is determined by the very people who are experiencing in that space. And if you have a high-end interior experience, you will understand why it is a measure of office value.

Learn more about the benefits of high-end office furniture here!

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The workspace is invested in design.

It’s no longer a must-go place to work. With the tech boom, people who can sit anywhere can work easily. The workspace now needs more than anything to stimulate creativity and relieve stress. To truly be the perfect workplace is nothing more than a beautiful office.

Only the office design will help the workspace become perfect. Art or beauty cannot be an accurate measure. But for the office, the prerequisite for meeting the aesthetic requirements for the space is:

–          Colors sync with the brand, stimulating creativity

–          The main color arrays are studied in accordance with the common space and each individual area

Not only in terms of colors, textures decorate the space but having the design brings the overall concept. Create a complete picture of the workspace. And a beautiful workspace is always of great spiritual value.

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Friendly working environment

It is still a mental factor that will determine much about the value of the workspace. But in order for the mental element to be satisfied, in addition to the aesthetic element of interior quality. The friendliness of being in the workspace is important. Friendliness is given between colleagues, between superiors and subordinates, between people. This factor is much in the culture of the business.

The office may not be beautiful but if enough of this factor is still a valuable workplace. And the value of the workspace is clearly demonstrated with the attachment of personnel. Along with attracting talent to join the business.

What elements of your workplace have factored in the above? If you still have a butt of the value of the workplace as well as do not know how quality space. Check out PROCE’s projects – a comprehensive solution for luxury offices. To understand what is a valuable office.


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PROCE – Luxury office furniture.



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