Office furniture has changed over the years of its presence in Vietnam?

27/11/2023 - 03:24

Office furniture is increasingly gaining a foothold in the industry market. In recent times, the “hot” of this high-end imported product line has grown strongly. Because of the convenience and intangible value that they bring to the owner. However, a few years back, this product line was almost forgotten. Saying no exaggeration when it comes to their life journey full of ups and downs. Go back in time and rediscover the journey from origin to success. In this beautiful S-shaped land to see the mind of a talented person.

nội thất văn phòng nhập khẩu hành trình đầy gian nan

Office furniture begins with the desire of “one person”

If other product lines are brought to the market, it is the vision of the leader. They realize the consumer demand of people in the coming time. From there start to research and import them. It all comes from the profits that the item generates is large enough for the business to touch. And most of them have a very fast product life cycle that dominates the market, is not nearly competitive. Only after the boom opened did products of the same kind begin to be developed.

However, completely different from such products. This imported product line for workspace is an individual’s desire. Referring a bit to the line of furniture for the office, the capital has thrived in the market. Domestic businesses have been producing and distributing them by themselves for a long time. The prices of domestically produced products are extremely low.

And the story to bring imported high-end office furniture to Vietnam comes from desire. It started when a fresh graduate came to a job interview at a foreign company. Overwhelmed by the fluffy appliances their employees are using. The elegance of the office design along with what is considered the pinnacle of the top. An unprecedented workspace in Vietnamese businesses. Also in the midst of that wonderful space, a question, a thought then becomes determination. “Bring these wonderful products back to Vietnamese businesses, to the people of Vietnam”. For all to experience what is most perfect, worthy of the five continents.

nội thất nhập khẩu cao cấp dần được ưa chuộng

Office furniture begins with piling difficulties

That thought, that longing urged the young man to start ambitious every year in 2010. At that time, the market was flooded with popular products, easy to buy, perishable at cheap prices. The hard-working bees in the office do not know what high-end is. Vietnamese businesses mainly use homegrown products to cover the workplace. It is difficult for a product that is both expensive and difficult to buy without knowing more than anything to gain trust.

Most important of all, the idea of ​​greed and greed has been deeply rooted in corporate thought. They would rather change once a year, but cheap. Better than buying a product that costs two or three times that lasts five or six years. Is it true, such genuine goods are only used for the leaders of the business. It is the same concept that makes them lose in the talent competition with FDI. When they realize the values ​​of this valuable product line, it is time to flourish.

Obstacles, difficulties are stacked. They have blocked the way into a great line of products for the business people. Despite passing to be brought back. Despite being carefully selected in both appearance and quality. When they arrived in Vietnam, they were still very fussy about customers and were almost forgotten. Even in the foreign storm that spread across the country, it was still impossible to begin the journey.

Thinking changes with positive signals open up a new journey

After lying in the dust for quite a while, the bright day had finally arrived. As startups blossomed, new ideas entered the corporate bloc. They recognize the great values ​​of the talent class as well as the Sphinx. Pay more attention to employees’ lives, from there they realize the competitive power comes from remuneration. And also from that, the value of the imported products is noted. In the end, they let go of the idea of ​​greed and embrace long-term value.

A new, brighter journey has begun. Vietnamese businesses started looking to buy these flawless products. However, with the initial investment is quite large, it is not like the market goods. This product line is still picky and they still belong to many FDI enterprises and corporations.

Another difficulty came when the knockoffs appeared. Many products are branded imported but come from small factories in Vietnam. Being a picky customer, difficult to consume when being new and more beautiful, she has to bear fake goods. The bargain price is attached indiscriminately, making many unwise consumers entangled. Only when wisdom takes the throne, and the value is confirmed, will imported products come to a beautiful stage now.

An era of values ​​based on money

Going through rough waves and waves, in the end the value is confirmed. The uneasy journey of this amazing product line up until now has started to brighten. When things are favored by values, when human thinking is broadened. Vietnamese businesses from paying attention have started to hunt for this product line. They understood and found that if you invest in this, the long-term is completely superior to the cheap.

Along with that, the young pioneer brought this product to Vietnam. Has created a great brand. That brand has a strong foothold in the office furniture market – PROCE. Make it easier for shoppers to get real products at real prices. This is also the present in terms of imported products for workspaces. Attracting, sought, given priority in selection – a beautiful development.

Young people bring imported high-class office furniture to Vietnam? Reminding from the beginning until now must have made you curious! Revealing that young man – Entrepreneur Nguyen Van Binh! Find out here!

PROCE – Luxury office furniture.



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